First off, thank you, Gail, for allowing me to post on your blog again.
Gail and I met through our mutual publishers. Although we live almost a
thousand miles apart, we've become good friends and sounding boards for each
other. Gail was a great help in giving legal advice, brainstorming and editing
this book. I know she doesn't want everyone to know it (says it'll ruin her
reputation), but she really is a sweetheart. I have a feeling most of our
fellow authors already know that anyway. So I'm not revealing any big secret. I
hope someday we'll actually meet.
(Note from
Gail before we get to Deadbeat Dads. I am not a sweetheart. I am tart and spicy. I keep tellin’ folks
that but nobody listens! Oh, and the
brainstorming and sounding board thing? Definitely mutual. My current WIP would be much the poorer
without Ro’s input.)

Available from Amazon at http://amzn.to/YWDVBf
Does everyone start out married life with rose colored glasses?
I'm sure no one thinks their marriage will end in divorce. I certainly didn't.
Mine was the perfect love, the perfect marriage, I was going to have the
perfect life, and it was an absolutely perfect day for a wedding. The sun
streamed through the window as I walked down the aisle on my father’s arm.
Johnny looked so handsome standing at the altar waiting for me.
Oh, I knew we'd have our ups and downs. I’ve always been a
realist. I know nothing in life is perfect. But we came darn close. At least
that’s what I thought. So how did I end up divorced, fifteen years later? If
anyone would have told me about the turn my life would take I’d have laughed at
Oh, I’m Erica Morris. Well, I
was Erica Morris until recently. Now I’m divorced and left to raise two kids.
Johnny, my husband left me for a younger woman. Not a new story, I know, but
that doesn’t make it hurt less. To top it all off, he cut himself off from our
kids and left me to be the bearer of bad news. To make matters worse, he
refused to pay child support. Not that he couldn’t afford it. Believe me, he
could well afford it, and then some. But he left us
penniless? I need to back up a bit. I remember calling the meeting
of other single mothers to order.
“Okay ladies,” I looked at the
women gathered around me. Lisa Daly, who encouraged me to start this group, was
here and Nicole Brown. Poor thing never went out while she was married. Oh, and
Louise Conners, I still couldn’t believe her husband ran off with his
receptionist, and now they were going through a nasty divorce. Not sure why
that surprised more than the others. It shouldn’t. There was quite a turn out.
Half the women I didn’t know.
I brought my attention back to
the meeting. “First order of business, a name for our group, any ideas?”
“Deadbeat Dads Anonymous,”
someone called out.
“Wives of Deadbeat Dads,”
someone else yelled. “Or Women Against Deadbeat Dads.”
“Better yet, how about Mothers
Against Deadbeat Dads. MADD!” Lisa Daly shouted.
I laughed. I couldn’t help it.
There certainly wasn’t a shortage of names. “We’re mad for sure but that sounds
too much like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers.”
“ADD,” someone else yelled.
Against Deadbeat Dads.”
Nicole Brown’s hand went up.
“Nicole, what’s your idea?”
“How about Wives Enraged at
Deadbeat Dads. W.E.D.D.?” Nicole’s voice barely reached above a whisper.
Poor Nicole. Her ex-husband had
knocked her self confidence so low. I was surprised to even see her here.
I met her at a school function. Nicole’s daughter, Cindy, was in the same class
as my Josh. I had heard through the grapevine that Bob, Nicole’s ex, had run
off with a stripper. Talk about humiliating. I shivered at the thought.
Suddenly everyone came alive.
Shouts of “Hey, that’s great, I like that,” sounded throughout the room.
“Okay then it sounds unanimous,
Wives Enraged at Deadbeat Dads it is. All in favor raise your hands. W.E.D.D.”
Kind of funny when you thought about it. None of us were wed any more.
Twelve hands went up.
“Motion carried. We are officially Wives Enraged at Deadbeat Dads. Now we need
to set up a schedule for our meetings and discuss our agenda. First, we need
to choose a Chairperson.”
Nicole’s hand went up again. “I
nominate Erica Morris for chair person.”
“I second that motion.” Lisa
Daly raised her hand. “This group was your idea. I think you should chair
Me as chair person? I wasn’t
too crazy about the idea. “Any other nominations?” I hoped someone would raise
their hand. No such luck. Heat rushed into my face. I had a feeling it turned
as red as my hair, which was pretty red. I wasn’t used to being the center of
attention. Never liked it and sure didn’t care for it now.
The room remained quiet.
No other nominees. “Okay then,
all in favor, show of hands. Motion carried, I guess I’m the chairperson. Thank
you, I’m flattered.” Flattered but a little taken aback. Hopefully, I wouldn’t
let anyone down. “Let’s break for refreshments and we can continue our
discussion while we snack.” I needed a moment to myself.
I never expected the group to
name me chairperson. I’d never chaired anything in my life. In fact, the
parents group at my children’s school was the only other group I had ever
Johnny didn’t like me to go out
and do things. He expected his wife to stay home, and God forbid, I even
suggested going out alone while he stayed home with the kids. Anger
flared in me as I recalled how often he came home late. Working, yeah
right, spending time with his playmates was more like it. How could I have been
so stupid? I remembered the day he told me he was leaving. Just like that out
of the clear blue sky.
“It’s not working for us,
Erica,” Johnny said. “I found someone else.”
Oh, he found someone else all
right, his young, sexy secretary. You could have knocked me over with a
feather. I should have known. All the signs were there, his late hours
and lipstick on his collar. He was comforting the wife of a friend, he lied. I
did a slow burn as the memories returned. And then he left, packed his clothes
and just walked out without even a goodbye to the kids, left me to deal with
them as usual.
Katie and Josh woke up the next
morning expecting to see their father. Not that they saw much of him, but
sometimes he ate breakfast with them and made polite conversation. That was
nine months ago, and he hadn’t been back since, not even to visit the kids. He
wanted a quick no fault divorce so he could marry his pregnant secretary.
I almost refused, but figured
why fight it? The kids and I were better off without him, but how do you
explain to an eight and ten year old that their father doesn’t care about them,
that he had a new life with a new baby? It was one thing to forget about
me, but not the kids. And I haven’t received even one of the child support
payments he agreed to pay in the divorce settlement.
“Erica, hey are you okay?”
Lisa’s hand on my shoulder startled me. “You look mad enough to spit
nails. Thinking about Johnny, I bet.”
“Huh, oh yeah sorry, my mind
was wandering. Yeah. I was thinking about Johnny. I just can’t believe he
doesn’t care about the kids. He’s missed every scheduled visit. He doesn’t
return my calls, and of course I can’t get past his secretary, uh wife, at the
office or at home. I could have him arrested, but with his connections
he’d get off Scott-free. I know it.”
“Well that’s why we started
this group isn’t it? Come on if we all put our heads together we’ll come up
with something to make them pay.”
The rest of the meeting
involved mostly chit chat about this ex hubby or that one and how rotten they
all were. It was small consolation to know others had the same problem.
Roseanne, this sounds wonderful. I love the W.E.D.D and can't wait to read it. Happy Easter to you and Gail.
ReplyDeleteHey Marian! Happy Easter! Thanks for coming over! The W.E.D.D. girls? Oh, they're a hoot.
DeleteOh wow, this sounds so GOOD and honestly, so REAL, though in your case I know it isn't. This book is bound to be a real hit. :)
ReplyDeleteHEY Miss Mae! Yes, it's very real though not in Ro's case or in mine, or yours, we're very fortunate. But who among us hasn't wanted to throttle a deadbeat dad on behalf of at least one of our friends?
DeleteWhat a great premise, Ro. It's not a funny subject, it's all too real, but *sorry* I did giggle at the first part.
ReplyDeleteI have a few of your other books in my E-reader but haven't had much time to read. I'll have to add this one. Sounds like it may be the start of a series.
Good luck with it.
Hey Lorrie! No, it's not a funny subject but then again, without humor, how would we survive all the things in life that aren't funny? And yeah, W.E.D.D.'s just -- funny! Thanks for coming over!
DeleteHello Ladies:) I'm a bit late...but so glad that I made it - your book sounds excellent, Ro. Congratulations;) And Gail...I'm sorry, but you can't get past the "sweet", even if you add the tart and spicy:)
ReplyDeleteLove you both...and it made me smile hearing your shared banter...too fun! Hugs!
Hey Kay Dee! I know folks would disagree with you. On me, I mean, not Ro's book! Love you too!
DeleteHey Kay Dee! I know folks would disagree with you. On me, I mean, not Ro's book! Love you too!
DeleteOh God I WANT this book! My Dead Beat as of 2008 owes me and the kids well into the six figures and it keeps accumulating. Last I heard six states are looking for him.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Kay Dee though, Gail. You have a lot of tart and spicy, but...
Ro, it sounds like you have a WINNER here.
Love to you both.
Oh, not you too! Jumping on the "Gail's sweet" wagon. I am NOT! But I still love you. And yeah, you have to read Ro's book, you'll love it!