y’all! Welcome back to Flowers on the Fence
Country! Today I’m hosting a dear friend
of mine, one I actually got to meet last year as she and her husband headed
home for northern climes from their winter stay in Florida. I’m hopin’ like heck I get to see them again
this spring, but a visit in the cyber-space kitchen’s pretty good too! So please welcome – J. Q. Rose!
ya’all. Oh, okay, you can probably tell I’m not from Georgia like Gail. I’m a
Northerner, but I do spend the winter in the south in Florida. I’m delighted to
be visiting Gail’s blog, Flowers on the Fence. She is such a talented storyteller
and seems to have a new book out every day! I am honored she invited me to come
over to Flowers on the Fence to share my mystery/romance with ya’all. (Did that
sound more Southern?)
leave a comment when you visit. It will enter your name into the random drawing
for prizes. Winners will be announced tomorrow, Friday, March 22 after 9 pm on
the J.Q. Rose blog. I am collecting commenters’ names all the way back to the
kick-off of the Coda to Murder book tour on February 25. The more you comment
the better your chances to win. Check on my blog for the schedule. Thank you.

by J.Q. Rose
in real life are no fun whether it is with a family member, neighbor, or the
cable company. But oh how we love to read about conflicts in our stories. Since
Bible times we have been listening and reading to find out the solution to the
problem. Will the main character in the story overcome the conflict with a
satisfying conclusion for us?
all know the guy in the black hat is the bad guy and the fella in the white hat
with the white teeth gleaming through his smile is the good guy. Sometimes it
isn’t quite that apparent. Some clever novelists lead you to believe the white
hat guy is the good guy then yank the rug out from under you when you find out
it isn’t true.
my new mystery/romance, Coda to Murder,
the conflict is between my main character, Pastor Christine Hobbs, and
Detective Cole Stephens. He’s trying to prove she’s the one who murdered the
Director of Music at the church. Now that IS a major conflict. The other
problem is she is drawn to this handsome, broad-shouldered detective with the
gorgeous brown eyes.
from Coda to Murder:
couldn’t make the decisions. The
toppings for her sub sandwich all looked good.
She knew it was the height of the rush hour, and people were waiting for
her. Too many choices to enhance the
turkey sandwich.
“Come on, Hobbs. Make up your mind. Mustard, mayo, pickles, white American
cheese, lettuce, oil.” Cole stood next
to her, waiting for her to make her choices.
She glared at the pushy detective and
then turned to the sandwich maker and said, “Yeah, all that plus tomato and
“Good, finally. You can dress mine the same. No tomato and
extra cheese.”
Cole caught up with her at the drink
station where she was debating about what pop to choose. “I imagine you are a diet cola drinker. May I pour?”
“Oh, thank you.”
“Ah, you need some caffeine, eh,
Preacher?” His eyes sparkled. She relaxed and returned his smile.
“I see you have your sandwich to
go. Me, too. I’ll meet you at the lakefront park for
lunch, under the big oak tree. Lots of
shade and a beautiful view of the water.”
“Oh, but I have….” She stopped to
check her watch. No, she didn’t have an appointment. She had the lunch hour free today. She had no excuse, and of course, a preacher
couldn’t tell a lie.
“Okay, I’ll meet you there in a
minute.” What was she thinking? He’s the man who’s trying to send her to
prison. Well, what’s wrong with having lunch with a handsome policeman? After
all there was that saying, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
# # # #
Pastor Christine Hobbs has been in the pulpit business
for over five years. She never imagined herself caring for a flock that
includes a pig, a kangaroo, and a murderer.
Detective Cole Stephens doesn't want the pretty
pastor to get away with murdering the church music director. His investigative
methods infuriate Christine as much as his deep brown eyes attract her.
Can they find the real killer and build a loving
relationship based on trust?
available at MuseItUp Publishing- http://tinyurl.com/anax9x7
and major online booksellers.
After writing feature articles in magazines, newspapers, and online magazines
for over fifteen years, J.Q. Rose entered the world of fiction writing with her
first published novella, Sunshine
Boulevard, released by MuseItUp Publishing in 2011. Her latest mystery, Coda to Murder, was released in
February. Blogging, photography, Pegs and Jokers board games, and travel are
the things that keep her out of trouble. Spending winters in Florida with her
husband allows Janet the opportunity to enjoy the life of a snowbird. Summer
finds her camping and hunting toads, frogs, and salamanders with her four
grandsons and granddaughter.
Connect with J.Q. Rose
online at
J.Q. Rose blog http://www.jqrose.com/
Girls Succeed blog http://girlssucceed.blogspot.com/
Author website http://jqrose.webs.com/
J. Q. Rose Amazon Author Page http://tinyurl.com/aeuv4m4
This sounds like a delightful read, and a great mystery to boot! Love the title as well. The excerpt was a true teaser, made me want to get to know the characters better. :)
ReplyDeleteHey, darlin'!!! Well, just between you and me, J. Q. let me read some of this while she was writing it, and ---- Oh, c'mon y'all, you didn't think I'd really spill the beans, did you?
DeleteThanks, MM..I like the story being described as delightful read and a great mystery yo boot. Glad you stopped in.
ReplyDeleteHey, Gail, thanks so much for hosting me on the final stop of the Coda to Murder book tour. Before you know it we WILL be heading up your way. But spring is taking its time to show up even here in Florida!! Happy Spring time everyone!!
ReplyDeleteSweetie, we're supposed have a rain/sleet mix tonight and tomorrow!! On March 22 in Macon, Georgia!! I'm not gonna see you till May this year,this weather keeps up!
DeleteHello, ladies.
ReplyDeleteCoda to Murder is right up my alley for reading. Love these cozies, and this one is a winner in my book. If the text on the back of the book doesn't make readers snatch this book up, they are the losers.
Great fun, JQ.
You are a sweetheart, Lorrie. And isn't that text on the back of the book harder to write than the whole darn novel?? Hard to condense a whole book to a few paragraphs.
DeleteHey Lorrie!! Thanks for comin' over! You won't be disappointed when you settle in with this book, I can guarantee you!
DeleteJ.Q., Spring is taking its time here in New Hampshire too. Glad I stopped by Gail's sunny blog to say Hi to two of my favorite writers. I feel Springier already :-) You deserve a break after your blog tour, J.Q. Great job, and congrats on your latest release.
ReplyDeleteAw, shucks, Pat. Glad we put a "spring" in your step at least. Thanks.
DeleteHey Pat!!!! I just told J.Q. we're supposed to have rain/sleet mix tonight and tomorrow morning! On March 22 in Macon, Georgia! Brrrrrr. The Iceman's never gonna leaveth this year! Thanks for comin' over, why don't you come settle into the cyber kitchen one morning soon and weave us some Irish Magic, hint, hint?
DeleteI love a good mystery. Looking forward to reading this one JQ
ReplyDeleteYou know I love mysteries too. And they come in all shapes and sizes. This one is a romance. I even like a paranormal, historical,etc.
DeleteHey Marian!!! You won't be disappointed, this little cozy was cute as a button! Thanks so much for coming over! Why don't you come over one morning soon and settle down in one of the chairs in the cyber kitchen? Chat a bit?
DeleteCan't wait to read this one. It won't keep me awake at night like your last one, will it?
ReplyDeleteHey, Roseanne, I don't think it'll keep you up all night, unless you worry about Pastor Christine and how she's going to prove herself innocent. But she has the Big Guy/Gal to help her out!!
DeleteOh, oh! Me, me! I can answer this one! NO. Without revealing any plot surprises, your one horror that keeps you awake at night is NOT present in this book! Now, you might stay up finishing it, but that's another ballgame altogether!
DeleteI'm looking forward to reading this book. Nothing beats a good romantic mystery.
ReplyDeleteLeona, thanks. I'm a mystery lover too!!
DeleteHey Leona! Thanks so much for stopping in! I'm running out of ways to say this and beginning to repeat myself, but Coda to Murder, notwithstanding the Murder in the title, is cute as a button. I mean, you can tell from the teaser. A pig and a kangaroo? Nobody but J.Q. could've thought of that!
DeleteGail, I never get tired of you praising Coda to Murder...You can repeat and repeat and repeat and...
Deletereally appreciate your enthusiasm AND a guest post on Flowers.
Hi, J Q! Sounds like an interesting book.
ReplyDeleteHi, Gail!
Hey Susanne! Always so nice to see you!!
DeleteHi Susanne...Happy you're here. And if I say so myself, it IS an interesting book!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteI've been AWOL in NYC taking care of my mother, but I am such a fan of both yours and Gail's work. Can't wait to read this new one. And I love the idea of Coda. Sounds marvelous! Happy reading to us all with this two gals.
ReplyDeleteHey darlin'! We've missed you, but yeah, I knew you were in New York. Hope you got your mother taken care of!
DeleteThank you, Heather. And I am fan of yours too!! Hope all is well with your mom now and you enjoyed some very special time together.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Gail, it's been a hoot hangin' out with you and the gang here. Thanks so much for the spotlight on Coda to Murder.
ReplyDeleteOh, heck, darlin! My pleasure! Like all my friends, you should know you don't have to wait for an invitation! Just holler and tell me you're comin'!